Minimum Order Size

There is a minimum order size of $25. There is no minimum quantity.

Orders under $25 will have a Minimum Adjustment applied.

What is the Minimum Adjustment?

A Minimum Adjustment will be applied to orders under $25 to make up the differecne between the cart total and $25.

For example, if the shopping cart total is $15, then the Minimum Adjustment would be $10 to bring the total up to $25.

If you are a non-profit organization or First Responder (Fire, Police, EMT), then send us an email after you create your account. We will review and exempt you if appropriate.

How to avoid the Minimum Adjustment

Assuming you are not a non-profit or first responder, just add a few more items to your cart. The Minimum Adjustment will disappear when your cart total reaches $25 (actually its $24.01, since we don't charge a Minimum Adustment under $1).

Here are some ideas:

  1. Electrical Warning labels:
  2. Warning Labels
    (image for) sample warning labels

  3. Office Signs (2" x 8"):
  4. Door Signs
    (image for) office door signs
  5. Toolboxes or other storage (1" x 3"):
  6. Seriously, labeling my toolbox drawers was a good idea :-)
    Toolbox Label
    (image for) sample toolbox labels
  7. Round Keychain tags (1.5" OD):
  8. Keychain Tags
    (image for) sample key chain tags